international consortium of investigative journalists 뜻
- 국제탐사보도언론인협회
- international: adjective, noun, 국제(상)의, 국제(간)의,
- consortium: noun, 협회, 조합, (저개발국을
- investigative: adjective, 조사의, 취조의, 연구의
- journalists: 언론인
- international color consortium: 국제 컬러 협회
- international telecommunications satellite consortium: phrase, 국제 상업위성통신기구(cf.INTELSAT)
- international federation of journalists: 국제기자연맹
- international organization of journalists: phrase, 국제 저널리스트 기구(IOJ)
- consortium: noun, 협회, 조합, (저개발국을 원조하는)채권국 회의, (국제)차관단, 배우자권
- investigative journalism: 탐사보도 탐사보도
- japan consortium: 재팬 컨소시엄
- investigative committee of russia: 러시아 연방수사위원회
- investigative reporting(journalism): phrase, (신문, 방송등의)독자적인 조사 보도(범죄, 오직사건등에 관한)
- naval criminal investigative service: 해군범죄수사청
- pulitzer prize for investigative reporting: 퓰리처상 탐사 보도 부문
기타 단어
- "international conference on high energy physics" 뜻
- "international conference on population and development" 뜻
- "international conference to review the global vision of the holocaust" 뜻
- "international conferences" 뜻
- "international congress of mathematicians" 뜻
- "international convention center (jerusalem)" 뜻
- "international convention center jeju" 뜻
- "international convention centre" 뜻
- "international convention for the suppression of the traffic in women and children" 뜻
- "international conferences" 뜻
- "international congress of mathematicians" 뜻
- "international convention center (jerusalem)" 뜻
- "international convention center jeju" 뜻